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Meeting open: HH:mm AM/PM
Message postponed/rejected gate applicants
Add gatekeepers to group
Come up with a webkeepers password and change UCC to that
Be sad about lack of Magic players
Get sealed league promo and details from Donald
Message ICONIC chat we are starting to decide reps (along with Taylor)
Give the Laura to Emerald
Be [REDACTED] leaders (along with Taylor)
Put a poll for G names
Finish the wargaming/minis shelf
Edit gatekeeper form
Set up gatekeeprer training
Make a spreadsheet for member db so we can send emails
Do Fresher campaign allocations monday (w/Alice)
Figure out Halloween (w/ Jackie)
Message ICONIC chat we are starting to decide reps (along with Alistair)
Be [REDACTED] leaders (along with Alistair)
Edit the subcommittee regulations
Make changes to the Unigames regulations that we picked up on for the next meeting
Figure out Halloween (w/ Taylor)
Figuring out a plan for using the mailing list to distribute newsletters/minutes
Figuring out a proper handover sitdown with Donald
Starting to update a lot of the content on the website (eg constitution from 2017)
Talked to Alistair about transcribing the signup forms, im happy to be involved in this
Change the email
Fix the envelopes
Give receipt for O Day ice
Do Fresher campaign allocations monday (w/Taylor)
Make a "Unigames goes to" event for this
Keep being Kyle
Fix paints and make a list of things that need replacing
Email guild volunteering PAC club "what the buck" re; what charity to do public affairs council
Manage ongoing RPGs
Organise space boardgames night
Communicate with Colin about Prosh marshaling
Sign up as marshal
Meeting closed: