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Meeting open: 11:54AM
- Chat with Winslade about future scheduling - not done
- Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover - not done
- Book Manjedal for next year - not done
- Respond to archeology about marquee - done
- Draft an apology (along with Taylor) - not done
- Fill out App form - not done
- Take away the fridge - not done
- Get together after camp to sort out archive (along with Donald) - not done
- Make a whenisgood for the archive party event - done
- Do a sort on the google drive after camp - not done
- Make new facebook events for commitee meeting - done
- Organise MCW things - done
- Get Panto info (along with Taylor) - done
- Check if we got Quiz money - done, we don't have it
- Do a full financial breakdown of camp - not done
- Print flyers for tomorrow - done
- Draft an apology (along with Alaura) - not done
- Talk to Irene about broken exit sign - done, told Gavin about it
- Get Panto info (along with Aoibhinn) - not done
- Add forms to database (free free to help) - not done
- Make a new archive guide - not done
- Get together after camp to sort out archive (along with Alaura) - not done
- Post about reports in commitee group - not done, but resolved
- Put the minutes up for SLARP - done
- Do Bunnings run for tape + furniture felt - not done
- Archive Ad Eva history - not done
- Organise one-shot EMP - done
- Ask about extra donation tin - not done
- Inquire about battle tin with other clubs - done
- Organise a board games night for the week of the 26th - not done
- Sort out LARP Training events - done
- Sort out LARP Training events (along with )
- Print a laminate busy-bee list - done
- Laminate and print fridge poster - done
- Make a list of things that you're doing so we can redistribute after the OGM - done
FilAus Incident:
Tenancy allocations:
Guild App
Soft plastic recycling:
Old fridge:
Bunnings things:
Wargaming shelf
Busy-Bee list:
New T-Shirts:
Board games guide:
Food run:
Campus Toilets:
Ad Eva
Optional membership cards
Prof Comp
SOC Masterlist
Fridge Poster:
Facebook things:
Discord things:
Mailing lists:
- Advertise the large-scale borrowing form
- Post about large-scale borrowing to presidents page
- Chat with Winslade about future scheduling
- Go through Camp feedback and begin writing a handover
- Book Manjedal for next year
- Find the RP4L handover (along with Donald, Alistair)
- Work on shirt funraising logistics
- Draft an apology (along with Aoibhinn, Taylor)
- Fill out App form
- Take away the fridge
- Do a sort on the google drive after camp
- Watch out for board game events to snipe clubs for collabs
- Look into Unigames solo Mega-Game-esque events a la Primarchs
- Draft an apology (along with Alaura, Taylor)
- Talk to people about Discord things
- Get sign-up form done and out for tomorrow
- Do a full financial breakdown of camp
- Make a poll for charity selection
- Draft an apology (along with Alaura, Aoibhinn)
- Do food run on the 19th (along with Donald, Colin)
- Respond to Prof Comp group w/ corrections to minutes
- Book the Guild Council Room for 1pm on 10/9
- Go through the constitution (along with Donald)
- Add forms to database (free free to help)
- Update committee, constitution, and regulations on website
- Organise next magic commander night
- Ask UCC about equipment borrowing
- Find the RP4L handover (along with Alaura, Alistair)
- Make a new archive guide
- Do food run on the 19th (along with Taylor, Colin)
- Make questions on the group again
- Git gud with the mailing lists
- Go through the constitution (along with Taylor)
- Find the RP4L handover (along with Alaura, Donald)
- Make post about weekly board game reviews
- Archive Ad Eva history
- Make event for Relay for Life
- Organise a board games night for the week of the 26th
- Book venue for LARP1001
- Organise EMP for LARP1001
- Do food run on the 19th (along with Taylor, Donald)
- Start up a FB admin document
- Organise a car for tomorrow
- Scope out the weekend of 7th September for Wargamers
- (Everyone) Fill out the Whenisgood