# Unigames Committee Meeting #35 - 14/11/2022 ###### tags: `committee meeting 2022` #### Attending - Emerald - Jackie - Gibbi - Hannah - Connor - Texas - Chris - David - Everest - Josh - Alistair #### Apologies #### Absent **Meeting scheduled**: 5:00PM **Meeting open**: 5:06 PM ## Reports: ### President's Report (Emerald): - Hi Emerald, - Hi gibbi, - gggggggs - it's been kind of a week - Havent completed all of my action items - had to be in the doctor :( - cooking guide is nearly done - if you are intending to go to camp and havent bought you ticket yet - do it right now - because it is this friday - ok love you all goodbye ### Vice-President's Report (Jackie): - camp is this weekend and i'm excited to not be directly in charge or organising this time, for the first time ever in my entire uni career - happy day 14 of not quite almost christmasvember - also happy birthday to my boy (alistair) everyone say happy birthday - i have done many an RPG entry, i think i have it down, pls hmu if you want to learn (please) - thank you connor for helping me run spoopy boardgames so i could go out for dinner <33 ### Treasurer's Report (Texas): - did some library entry - need to email leigh - camp this week, buy tickets - girl help I'll make this event run even if I have to kill people - account balance: $1,764.24 ### Secretary's Report (Gibbi): - Not going to camp :( - Ran prerelease :( - time to get on that 9 to 5 grind ### Librarian's Report (Connyah): - hamp cype !! - spOOked at spOOky boardgames - so look at this frog… ### Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah): - leaving in 13hrs aaaaaaaaaaaa (at time of writing (not at time of committee meeting)) - packing hell is happening rn - otherwise I hope you guys have a wonderful camp ### Reports de la OCM (Chris, David, Everest, Josh): - Chris: - schrodinger's plague time - finished funky sudoku game (its good, its called overhaul, go get it) - haven't done action item, will do it later today - David - exams done (finally) - levelled up to orang belt - got new g*mer mouse (will turn off the rgb ASAP) - Everest: - jong camp is on - come - buy joint camp tickets if you havent already - Gotta do joint camp quiz things - Josh: - exams ova - Magic Brain: online - Minecraft Brain: online - Dead (Died Badly) - Attempted to pull an allnighter for prerelease - Mission Failed we'll get'em next time ### Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair): - Alistair has attended: ==30.75/36== Meetings - Borth I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - going out for dinner four times within one week, all for birthdays, none of which are mine (technically) ## Past action Items: Action Items: Emerald: > Collab Panto Event bump pwease - Done > Wash (lovely) Dragons - Not Done > Do Cooking Guide for joing camp - In Progress Jackie: >Pick up prerelease stuff - Done >Write up guide for rpg entry - Done Gibbi: >Burchase Booster Box - Done > Figure out how to do things on website as to put minutes on blog - Not Done Chris: >Contact Gwen about Star wars (one-shot) also in general ig - Doing it tonight Connor: >Do little gatekeeper announcement on boardgame returns - Done ## Usual Suspects #### Board Games - Spooooooky Boo-rdgames - Friday 5PM - 11/11/2022 - Happened - Lots of people had fun - Connor only got to play werewolf - Turns out dead man tell no tales is actually very hard - The Dark Souls of Pirate ship boardgames - David Unigames OCM #### RPGs - Star Wars One-Shot - Week of 21/11/2022 >Chris: Contact Gwen about Star wars (one-shot) also in general ig ##### Panto Unigames Collab Event - Will happen in the holidays after joint camp >Emerald: Collab Panto Event bump pwease #### Magic: The Gavining ##### Booster Boxing Buying Bhenanigans - Will talk about buying a booster box next week ##### Brothers War Prerelease - Sunday November 13th - Happened - Had an actual attendance of 12 >Gibbi: Get additional prerelease kits #### Fresher Campaigns - They're Alive #### Colour Camp - November 18th to 21st - It's this weekend - Carpool thread is still up - Cannot stress enough that parking thread will be limited! - Library Cars are : Josh and Connor - LARP: Connor, David - Emergency Driver: >Emerald: Finish Cooking guide for camp >Texas: Email Ern Hallady Texas: Email Leigh ### **Far Future Events** #### Uncharity vigil - Will think about it before Christmas ## Reimbursements: - Approved - $59 to Texas for Ikea Shelf - $344.40 to Jackie for Food Run - Pending - Unsubmitted ## Guild: #### SOCPAC - JACKIE IS SOC TREASURER FOR NEXT YEAR (Not shoe treasurer tho) #### Missing Money - No updates #### Grants - No updates #### Tenancy - no updates ## **General Business:** ### Westmarche 2 - Tonight ### 40th Anniversary Event - Emerald is working on it fr fr on god no cap ### Gatekeepers - Cam Locke - Patrick Burke ### Webkeepers - No new webkeepers #### Webkeeping - Jackie updating archives long term project #### Room Update - Have new shelf very based >Emerald: Wash (lovely) Dragons ##### Pinup Board - No updates #### Library - RPG entry guide has been written - Rather than reading it and going off by yourself - please ask jackie for help first - jackie self proclaimed not good at writing - and may have gotten some things mixed up - RPG entry is happening ##### Book Buy - STUFF IS IN!!! - Play it have some fun ##### Sleeving Cards - edge boardgame pieces after camp - summer project for repariing library items - make list of damaged library items #### Food runs - Cann wait till past camp #### Committee Business - Next committee meeting 5:30 PM 23/11/20222 >Gibbi: Figure out how to do things on website as to put minutes on blog **Meeting closed**: 6:12 PM