# Unigames Committee Meeting #33 - 31/10/2022
###### tags: `committee meeting 2022`
#### Attending

- Emerald
- Jackie
- Gibbi
- Hannah
- Connor 
- Texases
- Chris
- David
- Ever 
- Josh
- Alistair
#### Apologies
- est

#### Absent

**Meeting scheduled**: 5:00PM

**Meeting open**: 5:20 PM 

## Reports:
### President's Report (Emerald):
- hi emerald,
    - hi gibbi
        - ughhhhmmmmmmmm
        - this time next week i'll be much better
        - forgor to take my meds before my exam :skull:
        - much like all old people i to am experienceing um um um unidentifiable back pain
            - just what i needed frankly
        - I hope everyone who is already a free person is having a wonderful summer holidays and is having a wonderful halloween
        - To everyone else still in the trenches: man it sucks here
        - I feel like i did actual stuff
            - new boardgames are here and out play them!!
### Vice-President's Report (Jackie):
- good luck for exams kiddos
- google history: is tiefling cosplay appropriate office attire?
    - (i'm in tiefling cosplay btw)
- i did a last minute event running for UPS board games and watched people (jamie) fail tokyo highway
    - people ive forced to be in my car with touch tone telephone playing: 4
- i've been morbing (help)
- haven't been able to ramp up too much in committee business i've been busy post semester melting but SOON (this week lol) i will do lots
### Treasurer's Report (Texas):
- sometimes the uni puts all of your exams within 5 days of each other including study break and weekend
- so now I'm done with all exams
- did reimbursements, will do more Trez/committee tomorrow
- thanks jackie for bysics boardgames cover
- can now play mc :3
- account balance: $3,238.44 (spook coins)
### Secretary's Report (Gibbi):
- morbing
- spooky spook day
- shit week that is all
### Librarian's Report (Connyah):
- *coughs*, probably
- new boardgames all processed (am probably writing the announcement as we speak)
- exam study grind 🫥
### Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):
- I’m essay freeeeee
- gonna die with Latin next though so yay I guess
### Reports de la OCM (Chris, David, Everest, JoZxc sh):

- Chris:
    - alive
    - questionable
    - :(
    - He doesnt want your energy
- David
    - UPS people are very nice
        - why they fridge only have mac and cheese
    - Cheated at root (im sorry)
    - XCOMmittee 2 is doing very well
        - XCOMmittee 1 did not do well
- Everest:
    - personal hell
    - nothing i've done nothing
    - i think spooky boardgames in 2nd week of exams bc most (?) people are done (esp if it's like the last thursday chances are,,) and we have a lot of good spooky themed stuff also i wrote a list on the board for my own benefit and then a non zero amount of people commented like "yooo good list good list" and i was going to offer to run it however fresh kind of Personal Hell started at 10:41pm last night and now i don't know
- Josh: 
    - aaaAAAaaaaa
    - Happy Halloween
    - Nothing more to say
### Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):
- Alistair has attended: ==29.75/34== Meetings
- L + no halloween spirit + toilet papering your house
## Past action Items:
Action Items:


> Drop off fan to guild office - Not Done


> Check all gatekeepers have a webite account - In progress

> Check how long we have webbed site domain for. - Done

> Update Archive documents - In progress (long term)

> Wash unigames dish towels - Done

> talk with webkeepers about non borrowable out things - Done

>Morb - Done


> Wash (lovely) Dragons - Not Done

> Figure out how to do things on website as to put minutes on blog - Not Done

> Morb - Done


> Put new boardedgames and RPGs in library and make post - Done

## Usual Suspects

#### Board Games

- Spooooooky Boardgames - Friday 5PM - 11/10/2022
>Jackie: Do the stuff for spooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooky boardgames
#### RPGs
- No RPGs until post camp

##### Panto Unigames Collab Event
- Will happen in the holidays after joint camp

#### Magic: The Gavining
##### Booster Boxing Buying Bhenanigans

##### Brothers War Prerelease - Sunday November 13th
- Will be just after exams
>Gibbi: Do EMP + for BRO prerelease 

#### Fresher Campaigns
- Nupdates
#### Colour Camp - November 18th to 21st
- had a site visit
- looked at ern halliday
- more pictures
- Texas will post tmw along with carpool thread

### **Far Future Events**
#### Uncharity vigil
- No updates
## Reimbursements:
- Approved

- Pending
    - $611.80 to Emerald for Food Run
    - $459.00 to Alistair for Book Buy
- Unsubmitted

## Guild:

- JACKIE IS SOC TREASURER FOR NEXT YEAR (Not shoe treasurer tho)
- In and out 20 minute socpac adventure
    - nothing of interest happened
        - despite what jackie keep telling me - gibson
- clubs with unused lockers will be contacted and have them reallocated
- semester 2 grant should come in this week
    - pls cade i filled in the form this time - texas
#### Missing Money
- Jackie poked Cade
    - should be talking to guild finance about it this week
#### Grants
- Jackie also bumped cade about SPG
    - will have look at it
#### Tenancy 
- tenancy consultation 7th or 8th of November to be confirmed later
## **General Business:**
### Westmarche 2
- First meeting before camp
    - after exams
- Potentially the 14th (after committee meeting)
### 40th Anniversary Event
- Emerald is working on it fr fr on god no cap
### Gatekeepers
- No New Gatekeepers

### Webkeepers
- No new webkeepers
#### Webkeeping
- We have the website domain till 17/05/2026
- Jackie is talking to webkeepers about magazine stuff
- Jackie updating archives long term project

#### Room Update
- Emerald wants to buy a smaller bookshelf this week (same type as our current bookshelves in our library)
    - the pint size billy bookcase for next to the door (under the light switch)
    - can put fresher guides there
    - More storage 
    - Pushing back towards library space capacity
>Gibbi: Wash (lovely) Dragons 
- Emerald wants to buy a smaller bookshelf (same type as our current bookshelves in our library)
    - half size, half width billy
    - will be able to fit about 6-8 board games, possibly more
    - can store fresher guides on top that people can see when they walk in
    - https://www.ikea.com/au/en/p/billy-bookcase-white-60351542/
    - $59 in white to match our previous boardgames
    - motion for bookcase passes unanimously
>Texas: Pick up book cases if possible
##### Pinup Board 
- No updates

#### Library
- Connor has donation from anon! - Here to slay Warriors and Druids Expansion
    - Donation is accepted unanimously
    - Thank you anon!
##### Book Buy
- Play it have some fun
##### Sleeving Cards
- nupdates
##### Classification system 
- Long term in pogress
#### Food runs
- We out of frozen meals (one must imagine Alistair eating butter chicken)
>Jackie: Do food run if you get a friend
#### Committee Business
- Unigames member Luna has been suspended from the Unigames Club and club spaces until further notice.
    - If you have questions or concerns about this banning or the complaints process in general please contact a member of the Unigames Committee, preferring our executive committee members.

>Gibbi: Figure out how to do things on website as to put minutes on blog

**Meeting closed**: 7:30 PM