# Unigames Committee Meeting #17 - 04/07/2022 ###### tags: `committee meeting 2022` #### Attending - Emerald - Jackie - Texas - Luna - Hannah - Chris - Connor - David - Everest - Alistair #### Apologies - Gibbi #### Absent **Meeting scheduled**: 5:00PM **Meeting open**: 5:15 PM ## Reports: ### President's Report (Emerald): - congratualtions on wcamp - we've all come down with camp related plague, which is kind of like a free vacations after camp - i have so many documents to update after camp - also i'm bussin it down sickxual style ### Vice-President's Report (Jackie): - i am a year older than the last time i wrote a committee report - editor's note: untrue - it literally is true i was 20 and now im 21 - happy with how well camp ran this year! - i have also been waking up at average mid day most days - um whoops! - i made the quiz night discord - thanks for the quiz night win birthday at camp and also the assassins revive - sorry to the 4 ppl i killed - (sorry connor for the psychological torture) - i have been thinking about planning a cam hall busy bee - also am minuting today (o7 gibson) ### Treasurer's Report (Texas): - avoided camp covid - i have regular degular cold but this is not covid - will be on a plane this time tomorrow - things will need to be reimbursed while I'm away (camp food run and sleeves) - went to joint meeting: "let's not have covid at our one" - next meeting I'll be here at 4am - stay safe get well soon - $705.09 in grants! - account balance: $9,562.87 ### Secretary's Report (Gibbi): - apologies due to plague ### Librarian's Report (Luna): - Camp was super fun! - Life outside of camp a lot less fun. - Doctors appointment today seemed to go well though. - Also haven't caught Covid again which is nice. ### Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah): - still Covid free somehow - camp was great and I enjoyed myself a lot - otherwise I have done nearly nothing except get a lot of books and a paint by number thing ### Reports de la OCM (Chris, Connor, David, Everest): - Chris: - plaguen't ratn't - tts shenanigans - camp sure was fun - celeste 100%* run in progress - Connyah: - Camp was really fun, was a W time - Cooking jumper is no longer cooking jumper - Hope everyone’s staying safe n healthy - Belden Bing - David: - Camp happened - Fortnite Juice - Not a plague rat - TTS is a thing again - ugghhhh - Everest: - went to camp - uwa please accept my application to study (more) - did not go to joint camp meeting sorry - based for 5/5 ocms (incl frep shhh) no covid ### Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair): - Alistair has attended: ==15.75/18== Meetings - had a headache for 2 days and that was literally it - except for being annoyingly infections and being unable to leave the house ## Past action Items: Emerald: > (with Jackie) Write up and put up RAT test and mask annoucnement - done > (with Jackie) Revamp Cooking guide and also put in start times - done Jackie: > (with Emerald) Write up and put up RAT test and mask annoucnement - done > (with Emerald) Revamp Cooking guide and also put in start times - done > Put up debate posts for camp - done Ethan: > Organise Charity Vigil Donation - not done Chris: > Take a look at microscope - ongoing ALL: > Scour thrift shops for large wooden spoons - not done, doesn't matter now ## Usual Suspects #### Board Games - **Next Bordgames Event - Thursday 07/07** - the loft is finally booked - worth transitioning to an online event, considering maybe not enough people are gonna be out of iso for it? - if most people got tested on wednesday, they should be getting out of iso in time - if pivoting to TTS, consider a "prospective board games" night? - cons of TTS: paid game, might be good to run a prospective board game TTS night seperately and keep our main game night free - it seems that enough of our memberbase has TTS that a TTS night would still be good - Advertisement post to go up tonight - theme it as prospective playtesting of book buy suggestions - advertise that TTS is on sale in bundles till Fri 8th July > David: advertise board game night: tonight! #### RPGs - **Microscope One Shot - Week of the 18/07** - if our board game event goes well online, microscope should run well too - Josh is still happy to run microscope > Chris: look into microscope RPG ##### Future RPG Events - Silly Rpgs over the holidays - A DND one shot night as the first one shot night of the second semester ##### Panto Unigames Collab Event - Should check in with Panto again > Emerald: text new panto prez about collab event ##### Chaosium Organised Play (Jack) - Jack wants to know if committee has interest in facilitating a chaosium organised ttrpg event - basically a slightly extended form of a one shot night focusing on chaosium rpgs - involving a couple of oneshots over a couple of days - doing this mid-week over study break sounds like a good idea - and gives us time to give notice to prospective busy gms - study week is 05/07 - 11/07, queens birthday is on 26/07 - september is a busy month for us (rp 4 life + quiz,, maybe we should do it post exams (post camp) > Emerald: talk to Jack about Chaosium TTRPG Event #### Magic: The Gavining - **SNOM 4 - Sunday 24/07** - Gibbi is planning a SNOM in 2 weeks so everyone has time to get over plague > Gibbi: SNOM 4 EMP, Loft Booking, etc etc #### Fresher Campaigns - they're alive and well~ ## Upcoming Events: #### Unigames Camp: Ichor & Incantations - off the back of what me (jackie) and emerald have discussed, we believe we should offer anyone who is a close contact/has covid concerns a full refund. - this has been included on both the info pack and sign up form. - quick official motion to give Liz a full refund on their camp ticket - 10-0-0, motion passes unanimously > Jackie: refund Liz camp ticket - feedback form should go out! > Jackie: put out camp feedback form - manjedal emailed asking for feedback - we're going to heavily encourage a mattress change - they need to fix the sparker in the stove, or provide a stick lighter for people to use - we'll also wait for feedback to return from the form, and see if anything from there is worth passing on - planning to send them feedback back on monday - emerald's thinking about rewriting the whole cooking guide - and switching to measured amounts assuming for 35 people (which is the average attendee amount we have) - having a tight and usable step by step cooking guide to be used in future years for future committee's > Emerald, Jackie: rework camp cooking guide - emerald wants to consolidate the LARP games we tested this camp into our LARP guide - notes on healing, notes on how to adjust due to # of people > Emerald, David: rework LARP guide - worth considering an events rework - things like when oneshots are had, how debates are organised, encourageing a time when character sheets are made - texas & everest ask if a fire management guide would be a good idea - emerald will look into writing a short fire guide - to quiz night judges: sort out a little camp quiz night handover pwease > Texas, Gibbi, Connor, Chris: little camp quiz night handover > Gibbi: post-camp meeting minutes ### Far Future Events #### Quiz Night [Early September] - Jackie will be our Darkmittee rep - Chris will be our lightmittee rep - discord is up! > Jackie: organise whenisgood for Quiz Night #### PROSH #### Roleplay for Life #### Relay for Life #### Hall-o-ween #### Joint [REDACTED] - had a meeting - ucc needs a new rep - they'll have a meeting while texas is away - without feedback form consensus was not to have covid at joint and also make sure that we emphasise masks and not going if they are feeling sick/fresh from iso if possible to minimise the risk of this happening again - Cowan and Texas will still hopefully be able to run camp w/o L2 SLT (sarc should be here in august and if not, fun little leigh meeting to give an exemption) #### Uncharity vigil ## Reimbursements: - Approved - $1125 to Jackie for Camp deposit - Pending - Unsubmitted - X to Emerald for Camp food runs/snack run - 25ish$ to Texas for Sleeves ## Guild: - Got our sem grants: $705.09 - will be emailing cade for a breakdown > Texas: email Cade for a sem grant breakdown #### Tenancy Meeting - No updates #### SOCPAC -no updates #### Missing Money - No updates > Emerald: bump missing money to Guild ## **General Business:** ### Gatekeepers - No new gatekeepers ### Webkeepers - No new webkeepers #### Room Update ##### Pinup Board - Will be using vecro strips once we can be back in the room ##### Air Conditioning - WE HAVE A NEW ONE - YIPPEE KAY YA YAY ##### Table - Nearly done!! - yippee ki yai yay > Jackie: pay for the rest of our table ##### Things to hang - Everest will bring in things to hang #### Library ##### Book Buy - We should organise our book buy meeting! - book buy meeting next week - submissions will be CLOSED on Sunday 10/7! - Suggestions still open for ONE FINAL WEEK! - LINK HERE > Emerald: finish off book buy ##### Sleeving Cards - We got our sleeves - We should test those - does the board game close if all the sleeves are on - do the sleeves fit > David: test card sleeves this week ##### Classification system - No updates #### Food runs - we did a camp food run big babey #### Webkeeping - Putting a newsletter up this week > Gibbi: send a newsletter out this week #### Committee Business ##### Charity Vigil - [16/04/2022 - 17/04/2022] >Gibbi: Organise Charity Vigil Donation **Meeting closed**: 6:39 PM