# Unigames Committee Meeting #4 - 28/03/2022 ###### tags: `committee meeting 2022` #### Attending - Emerald - Jackie - Texas - Gibbi - Luna - Hannah - Chris - Connor - David (Discord) - Jazz - Alistair #### Apologies #### Absent **Meeting scheduled**: 5:00Pm **Meeting open**: 5:05Pm ## Reports: ### President's Report (Emerald): - Hi Emerald - hi gibbi ❤ - i did my things - one shot night went well, taught tex my one shot and she didn't even have to run it - aaahh its the metaphor about glass juggling balls i have so many glass ones - this week is cyclone weather all weeks please stay safe and also bring a coat! ### Vice-President's Report (Jackie): - they STOLE my BLOOD this morning THEY STOLE MY BLOOD - ran dnd oneshot (not a oneshot i was just doing admin) - drafted out [redacted] guild email draft w emerald - wrote out [redacted] stuff that we gotta organise - i’ve unfortunately started listening to abba - monitored charity vigil subcom like some sorta hawk ### Treasurer's Report (Texas): - wack that it's already been a week - guild finance lady is no longer working for the guild :(( - spgs are coming up and I'll probably not do it so we can claim everything for the table - opened the wallbox for the first time and sorted through it - also didn't run a one shot but could have - acc balance: $8309.21 ### Secretary's Report (Gibbi): - Wrote up email for tactics - Um Wrote up other things - Oh yeah chaired the Charity vigil meeting - I have no long cat :frowning: ### Librarian's Report (Luna): - *Sigh* ### Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah): - have started working on fresher campaigns but need the backup gms bc there’s just a lot of players - otherwise I was drowning in reflections and annotated references ### Reports de la OCM (Chris, Connor, David, Jazz): - Chris: - Everyweek i forget im the first ocm in the list - last week sure did happen apparently - unfortunately didn't get anything done due to academic reasons - Connor: - Eyyy, how’s it going? - DND one shot night was a great success in my eyes, as far as I know everyone had fun - GM’d another Tabaxi… who also loved gems… Tymora be with me - Attended subcom meeting - David: - In self-isolation for the moment :( - And being bullied - Have been on the assignment grind - Decided on theming for board game night this week - Boardless Board Games! - Stay gamer peeps (Imagine him dabbing) - Jazz: - i have no recollection of most of last week - i don't think i did anything of use though ### Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair): - Alistair has attended: ==4.75/5== Meetings ## Past action Items: Emerald: > (with Chris) Set up and Run Tabletop Tuesdays - Forgor > (with Connor) Put up One shot night annoucement including pointing players to help channels as necessary - Done > (with Jackie) Email guild about camp questions - Done Jackie: > Message Gavin about dnd oneshot stuff and set channels up - Done > (with Emerald) Email guild about camp questions - Done Ethan: > email tactics about prerelease - Done Hannah: > Do fresher campaigns and ask gibbi for help - In Progress Chris: > (with Emerald) Set up and Run Tabletop Tuesdays - Done > Purchase card sleeves and check with Luna - Not Done Connor: > (with Emerald) Put up One shot night annoucement including pointing players to help channels as necessary - Done David: > Make announcement for next Boardgame Event - Not Done ## Usual Suspects #### Board Games - **Tabletop Tuesdays** > Emerald, Chris: Set up Tabletop Tuesdays - **Boardless Boardgames** - [Week 5 - Thursday 31/03] - David is running this event - The theme is boardless boardgames - **Week 7 Boardgames** - [Week 7] - Will be replaced with charity vigil - If you want some cool boardgames in week7 come to charity vigil! >David: Write up announcement and post events for Boardgame night #### RPGs - **DND One shot night** -- [Week 4 - Thursday 24/03/2022] - Went well - We had 13 new participants (freshers?) - All but one planned fired - Due to participant numbers - Connor: Yeah it went well obviously online was a lil awkward but it was a success one went a little late - - **Monster of the Week One-shot night** - [Week 6] - Jazz is assigned to run monster of the week one shot night - Jackie: Suggests putting up rpg poll to help find gms - **OBEN BOLL** - Put up poll for what systems people are willing to run for unigames one shot nights >Emerald: Put up OBEN BOLL for RPGs >Jazz, Jackie: Write up Emp and Message Gms for MOTW #### Magic: The Gavining - **Intro To Magic** - [Wednesday April 06/04] - Emerald: we should run intro event before prerelease - Suggests the week before charity vigil - Target audience is introducing freshers to magic - Suggests putting it midweek - Gibbi is happy to run this midweek wednesday >Gibbi: put up advertising and events for this event - **Sunday night of Magic (SNOM):Meet the Pod** - [Sunday April 10/04] - An event for established magic players to meet the magic players of unigames - So people dont have to ask when we play commander in Unigames and so people can get a feel of powerlevel and other similar questions - Let people get to know players power levels and have an established day where we will definitely be playing commander - Plan to be run monthly as a night that we will definitely be playing commander - Jackie: Less advertising as a come meet old people and more come play magic with us >Gibbi: Put up advertising and events for SNOM - **New Capenna Prerelease** - Tactics has been emailed - Confirmed Date of prerelease as the 24th of April at 11am - Jason has got us down for $45 entry >Gibbi: Email about prize support and **The GOODS** #### Wargames - **Intro to Wargaming** - OCM does not need to have wargaming experience cos we normally ask an older member (kieran) to help out - Ethan: This is probabbly the most droppable event given that we are this late into the sem and interest is usually quite low - Theoretically sometime week 6 if we are intending to run it #### Fresher Campaigns - Hannah: Screaming into the void - Has one tentative group - Is calling on 2 backup GMs due to the 43 player signups - We should clean the whiteboard once the campaigns are allocated >Gibbi: Contact Marlea and Vikrum for fresher Gms >Hannah: Keep working on fresher campaigns ## Upcoming Events: #### Charity Vigil - First meeting happened on friday - Gibbi reading the minutes from subcom like :/ - It will definitely be the weekend before study week - There is a dispute regarding it being friday the 15th to saturday the 16th - or saturday the 16th to sunday the 17th - Unigames vots unanimously for starurday sunday - Subcom has decided on a raffle - The budget for prizes has been set at $65 - Gibbi would like to request that in addition to unigames submitting the uncharity prizes we submit 4 unigames d6s - Alistair says we have already submitted 2 sets of 2 d6s - There will be a prize cap like last year - Gibbi asks what events we would like to run for charity vigil - Unigames would like to Auction off Fog of Love as we were intending to auction it at uncharity - Starting bid at $60 - Jackie is happy to run the auction #### Unigames [REDACTED] "I" - Email has been sent - No response as of yet ### Far Future Events #### Quiz Night #### PROSH #### Roleplay for Life #### Relay for Life #### Hall-o-ween #### Joint [REDACTED] #### Uncharity vigil ## Reimbursements: - Approved - $300 to Emerald for Book Buy - $434.7 to Texas for Food Run - Pending - Unsubmitted ## Guild: #### Best Club Award - We got an email - Guild is asking for club member names to verify signups - already dealt w and sent to him - Guild cant consider it for a little bit - Emerald: suggests going to Tony - We are getting increasingly worried - What do you think we should do - In a very polite email - Dont get into a heated email discussion when it isnt necessary >Emerald, Jackie: Write email to Tony #### Semester grant - It has in fact come out :O - Jackie: Stupidly Early - jackie has requested if there is a way to send justification rather than just expenses - Due 27th of May >Jackie: Finish Grant handover #### Envirogrant ## General Business: ### Gatekeepers New Gatekeepers Approved: - Rondelyn Hanson ### Webkeepers - No updates #### Room Update ##### Air Conditioning - Is coming 7am next monday - Texas will be here - Unigames temperture altering dlc added #### Table - There is still the archived thread on discord - We have 3 options Emeralds favourite option is as follows: - The paladin from gameway - Is an australian company - Around 5k - 5.5k with shipping - 8 seater - Felt inlay - removable legs - Acryllic sheet to lay down - Additionally stainless steel cupholders - Has a topper - is the most expensive option - Emerald: - This will take us down to around 3k - Our funds will be a little bit lower due to the lack of uncharity so we will be a bit low on funds this whole year - This will be our main big purchase for a while - we will be getting the square version - (Due to Alistairs advice) - Luna - Raises concerns regarding our aircon repairs - Committee is happy with paladin - 20 cm border - Neoprene instead of felt inlay - Blue neoprene - Victorian Ash -> moved to walnut due to stock - Removable legs - Cupholders - We want acryllic sheet - And a topper - Committee moves to switch to 25cm border - Unanimously #### Library ##### Classification system - Luna still hasnt heard anything from vikrum for Rpg classification system - Luna is currently dying - so progress will be slow #### Food runs - we gucci mayhaps next week ##### Price Changes - no changes #### Webkeeping - change the regs for drinks - Emerald motions to alter the regulation s20 and s21 - Changing them from 80c to a $1 to match the beverage price changes - Such that the new regulations will be as follows: - s20: After emptying a bin or recycling bin in Cameron Hall, a club member may be awarded a free consumable worth up to $1 from the club. - s21: After vacuuming the clubroom, a club member may be awarded a free consumable worth up to $1 from the club. - Committee agree unanimously on new regs >Gibbi: Update Regs #### Shirt Stuff - No shirts :( #### S4EA + Unigames Board Games - Friday may 6th - This is a boardgames week - It will be that weeks boardgames - Jackie will run this with Amelia - Might be in the CCZ >Jackie: Do large scale borrowing with Amelia to iron out the desired boardgames for s4ea collab #### Committeee Business >Jackie: Committee poster when? >Alistair: Print and laminate committee poster **Meeting closed**: 6:51 PM