# Unigames Committee Meeting #36 - 03/11/2021 #### Attending - Alistair - Emerald - Jackie - Gwen - Amber - Chris #### Apologies - Vikrum - Ethan - Nina - Texas #### Absent **Meeting scheduled**: 1:00pm **Meeting open**: 1:00pm ## Reports: ### President's Report (Alistair): - I love exam season, meeting with 6 people lets go - I actually got full marks on my second CITS project - Many many contingencies - Pbbbbbt - I'm exhausted - We'll see how stressed I get by the percentage of facial hair still left in my face at the end of exam season ### Vice-President's Report (Emerald): - Did a food run - Had to go into lockdown to finish an assignment - The assignment did get finished - Rome was built in a day cuz I did a 14 page assignment in 12 hours - Lots of caffeine - Good luck for your exams everyone! Well done if you're already finish - Merry Christmas ### Treasurer's Report (Jackie): - i nut out an envirogrant on friday - "Well done on your nut Jackie" - that’s submitted - uhhhhhhhh - camp is too close for comfort - just witnessed a car with the license plate “[DRWHITE]( https://tinyurl.com/45tf3uer)” do a cringe lane change wtf - account balance: $7,874.30 ### Secretary's Report (Gwen): - The mailing list decided it liked me out of the blue after 2 days, so the newsletter went out - Was present for some of Toardgames, didn't get to play any game though, too busy translating chinese and going out to lunch - There are some errors in the constitution on the website so I guess gotta go edit that - Finally am able to get a camp ticket! Thanks Jackie - I'm starting full time work after exams so whose excited for another meeting whenisgood? ### Librarian's Report (Vikrum): - apology from me, exam and report tomorrow morning unfortunately ### Fresher Rep's Report (Ethan): - Apologies, I have a rather terrible cold at the moment so Im gonna be making chicken soup and not meeting ### Reports de la OCM (Amber, Chris, Nina, Texas): - Amber: - Screaming. - Exams start tommorow and end the day after. - AAAHHH - Study has not gone well. - I'll be free soon. - Missed takling to people. - How did Lilly borrow Gibbi's height? - I now have a screenshot of Merlin growling in text form. - Apparently my name is the most untouchable thing on the fridge, it has been there unaltered for over a month now. - Chris: - exams, exams - Ahhhhhh - That's all - Nina: - Exam :( - Texas: - first exam is in an hour and last exam is before next meeting so wish me luck - toardgames happened with like 6-8 people total games included tokyo highway, terraformin mars, classic games tumbling tower and the crew - turns out this month is going to be complete chaos - good luck to everyone and their exams/assignments - 0 dragons, unfortunately ## Past action Items: Alistair: > Large-scale borrowing regs - not done Jackie: > Envirogrant - done! Gwen: > Handle newsletter things - done Vikrum: > IGA dump snack chats - not done ## Gatekeepers - no updates ## Webkeepers - no updates ## Usual Suspects #### Board Games - Totally Tubular Toardgames [Thursday 12pm 28/10] - Happened - Went well - Chase and Texas played a very fast game of terraforming mars - Break on board games till after exams #### RPGs - Post-exam one shot - There's systems, they're around - Just rangle some GMs, easy - Maybe try 13th age - Relevant GMs: Taylor (unlikely but possible), Steven, Winslade >Amber, Chris: Post exam one shot #### Magic: The Gavining - Crimson Vow Pre-release [Sunday 14th November 11am] - Pre-release stuff is up, product not available yet #### Wargames - no updates #### Fresher Campaigns - no updates ## Events: #### Cameron Hall-o-ween @ The Tav [Thursday 21/10 7pm] - Do we have money? - Jackie: *shrug emoji* - Nothing has been sent yet #### Pyramid Camp 2021 [5pm Friday 19/11/21 - 10am Monday 22/11/21] - Earlybird ends Friday November 5th - 3 committee members are purchasing camp tickets 2 days before earlybird ends - We should put up borrowing restictions tomorrow - Cars: - Jackie and Texas will do food run - Emerald and Josh will possibly do food run or library - Alistair will possibly do library - Buy tickets! - "No" - Chris - Chris is lame and a weenie >Jackie: Borrowing restriction post and write on whiteboard and in borrowing book #### Genghis Con [21/1/22 - 23/1/22] - Next year ## Reimbursements: - Complete: - $34.32 to Guild for testing and tagging - Submitted: - $480.20 to Emerald for Food run ## Guild: - Semester Grants - Due Monday 15/11 - Jackie will do after exams >Jackie: Think about semester grant - Envirogrant - Got nutted out and submitted! - Guild makes some bullshit forms y'all - 3 options; final option: both - SOC Meeting/Elections - Elections were kind of a shitshow - Need to do SPG report (due same time as semester grants) - When ERF happen executives need to submit ID - SPG Report - Due Monday 15/11 >Jackie: Think about SPG report ### General Business: #### MSDS??? - Not before exams #### Room Update - Table - Not yet #### Library - Classification system - On hold till end of semester #### Food runs - There will theoretically be one next week - If we need it #### IGA Dump Snacks >Vikrum: IGA dump snack chats #### Webkeeping >Gwen: Update constitution on website #### Regulations >Alistair: Large-scale borrowing regs #### Westmarche Campaign - Form for GMs: - https://forms.gle/DvqCNr3uMY2WD4Sr9 #### New Meeting Time >Alistair: New meeting whenisgood **Meeting closed**: 1:23pm