# Unigames Committee Meeting #39 - 26/11/2020

#### Attending

- Alistair 
- Jackie
- Autumn 
- Emerald
- Alice
- Josh
- Kyle

#### Apologies

- Ash
- Taylor 
- Gwen "lost in the crops"

**Meeting scheduled**: 6pm

**Meeting open**: 6pm (HOLY SHIT) (5:59 by the microwave)

## Reports:
### President's Report (Alistair):

- i did not write a report bc i got roped into a game of magic 40 mins ago
- we've already had a prelim wrapup meeting
- im fucking exhausted jesus chr*st

### Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

### Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

- no like i'm really really happy i'm really glad about it
- highlights include playing among us and 1,2 switch with freshers
    - the freshers bullied me a lot
- camp brain is real i'd love to talk about camp more
    - the freshers *did* bully me
        - god
- doing camp budget wrapup since i've gotten back from camp
    - ive just been staring at receipts
- started labelling junkart
    - and i still am
- account balace: $1,245.94
    - and that's gonna go down
        - FUCK
- vegabus
    - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raY6iUIYyeY

### Secretary's Report (Autumn):

- attended camp
- drained our resources (that i had paid for)

### Librarian's Report (Emerald):

- i didnt write a report
- i went to camp
- i am paying so much money for them to tell me i have brain rot
    - NOT the camp counsellors
- i didnt bring tayu because we still dont have anywhere to put it
- xoxo love you so much
    - ps jackie didnt even play vengabus and she was in charge of doing that
- my dear friend mac is playing a character named jarcus

### Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

- Camp was fun! Was super good, my freshers were happy, and I got accused of stealing a car with my army of freshers. (Side note - the car formerly owned by Jarcus is now nicknamed "The Fresherbus". Other than camp, and bullying Cormac, I didn't do much else this week.
- i lost my unigames sticker
- i am the champion milker, i beat jackie at champion milking

### Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

- Ash:
    - camp was fun
    - besides some little visitors i think it ran nicely, lots o board games ^.^ (did sleep for majority of sunday, was a good nap)
    - other wise just your normal beep boop brr
- Gwen:
    - nothing to report, I just be farming
- Josh:
    - we have begun organising wrap up meeting for UWASCA collab
- Kyle:
    - Maybe this weekend I'll get the time to be sanding

## Past action Items:

This Week's Action Items:
> Attend tenancy meeting on friday (along with Taylor) - taylor handled

> Email jacob about our pretty new best club award - not done

> Attend tenancy meeting on friday (along with Alistair) - done

> Label junkart - is doing it right now!

> Halloweeeeeeeee - yeah uh camp

> First aid? - disappeared into the aether

> Sand OTP terrain - beginning

> Talk to dec about not accepting terrain donation - done

> Get results out of the quiz subcommittee - hassling and hassling

## Gatekeepers

## Usual Suspects

#### Board Games

>Jackie: Label junkart

- Keifer polite event
    - Keifer sent through a proposal for pair of collab board games events with unisfa
    - They would like to do a scifi night and a fantasy night. They are asking if we would like to participate, either by providing board games, making a "unigames goes", or making it a 100% collab
    - we could also consider tying a screening into it

>Autumn: Talk to keifer about board games collab

#### RPGs

- how are we thinking about doing stuff over the holidays? 
    - we run fortnightly events, 2 events a month
    - give plenty of notice
    - our first one will be the unisfa collab
    - keifer will need to get on top of that EMP very soon

- dark heresy 2 oneshot [in a month]

>Kyle: Organise a dark heresy 2 oneshot

#### Magic: The Gavining

- Alistair has a loose plan to do a phantom draft, nothing solid yet

- Alice is keen on some casual holiday commander nights

#### Wargames

- OTP Terrain purchase

>Kyle: Sand the OTP terrain

- Terrain donation

>Kyle: Post about dec's donation on the discord

#### Fresher Campaigns

- they exist
    - apparently some freshers were too busy playing world of warcraft to show up

## Events:

#### Halloween 2019 [26/10/19]:

- Jackie it's after camp! Make halloween fixed!!

>Jackie: 'allo 'allo 'alloween

#### Book Buy [Thursday 1/10, after committee meeting]:

- Tasha: Delayed until December
- Tayu: Intentionally at emerald's house
- Path of Waves: Waiting

#### Quiz Night [Thursday 22/10]:

- kyle : screaming

>Kyle: Get results out of the quiz subcommittee

#### CAMP in 3D [20/11-23/11]:

- camp! it went well!
- it went so smoothly and there were very few issues!

>Alistair: Talk to leigh about reporting some small burns that happened

- a small wrapup has happened. the excess produce and snacks have been sold off
- a minor discrepancy was identified in the deposit we'd thought we'd paid
- another issue popped up: we are at $200 loss instead of $40 profit because there was a secret self-catering fee
- jackie talks about snack math. there wasnt as much revenue as we expected to collect

>Alistair, Jackie: camp wrapup activities

- If you went to camp (or didn't!) and haven't done the feedback form yet, please do!! We would like to hear your thoughts

#### O-DAY [Friday 19/2/21]:

- The registration link is up

>Alistair: Sign us up for oday

## Room Update:

- Broken light

## Reimbursements:

    - $349 to Jackie for a food run
- Unfortunately we won't be making a profit on camp, instead losing about $70. Stay tuned for updates
## Guild:

- Tenancy Reallocations
    - Taylor is not here to update us on tenancy news
    - Taylor gives us an update!
    - Almost only cam hall people showed up
    - There's no confirmed new contract for us to sign, it's still being discussed
    - The storage is also a bit up in the air, will likely be next committee's problem
    - Next year's tenancy chair will get elected on Tuesday

- Elevator
    - UWA is apparently leaving the guild on read. Progress is slow

- Semester grants
    - Yeah theyre still working on them

- Best Club award

>Alistair: Email jacob about our pretty new best club award

### General Business:

#### First Aid Course

- They still are ghosting jackie

>Jackie: Organise a first aid course

#### Library

- Reminder that it is not the responsibility of general members to fix games
- If you spot damaged games, report it to committee 

>Emerald: Make a post discouraging vigilante book repairs

- Space
    - We are a club that has a board game library
    - We are in this moment realing with the fact that we have run out of space to put board games and books. We can't fit tayu in right now
    - We are in need of immediate solutions, as well as a long term solution
    - Emerald's dream longterm solution is moving into a larger room
    - **Immediate solution**: Moving chips off the top of the shelves (or just smooshing them into smaller space) and putting some items up where no one can reach, ideally let's put games that no one plays up there. 
    - **Mid solution**: Binning some old unwanted games
    - **High effort solution**: Adding in a third shelf, where the left half of the whiteboard currently is. 
    - We need to complete an audit of the old games section
    - We examine which unigames dice haven't been picked up yet

>Kyle: Follow up everyone who hasnt collected their dice

#### Member Privacy

- No udpates

**Meeting closed**: 6:49pm