# Unigames Committee Meeting #27 - 03/09/2020

#### Attending

- Alistair
- Taylor (discord)
- Jackie
- Autumn
- Emerald 
- Alice
- Ash (discord)
- Josh 
- Kyle (discord)

#### Apologies

- Gwen

#### Exyled :(((

- Kyle

**Meeting scheduled**: 6:00pm

**Meeting open**: 6:16pm

## Reports:
### President's Report (Alistair):

- "i forgot to write my report for the first time" "and for the last time, time for a vote"
- did work on the prerelease
- helped emerald go through book buy things
- went to the tenancy consultation

### Vice-President's Report (Taylor):

- i do not know what is happening, i have no concept of reality
- midday yesterday i may have spent 17 hours asleep
- and honestly, i feel great for it
- it's a friending mystery
- brain go brrr

### Treasurer's Report (Jackie):

- bought tea
- **for me not for the club**
- have just done regular treasurer duties of looking after money nothing special
- please pray for my 3 weeks of uni assignment hell
- account balance: $1964.99

### Secretary's Report (Autumn):

- organised and ran the GM workshop
- battled the guild website with ash to make EMPs happen

### Librarian's Report (Emerald):

- I made ramen and that’s why I’m not here to read my report
- I also made chilli
- I also did my action items
- I love you all bye
- i also talked to my freshers about the GM workshop for review

### Fresher Rep's Report (Alice):

- i have had a busy week
- went to the GM workshop, it's fun!

### Reports de la OCM (Ashleigh, Gwen, Josh, Kyle):

- Ash:
    - reports yes they're a thing (it's been a Week™️)
    - did emp and FB event for mid sem boardgames night (it's tomorrow @ 5 oWo)(plz come)
    - also got first aid training tomorrow as well(!!!)
- Gwen:
    - went to UWASCA Dice Bag Workshop meeting
    - I’m still undefeated at 40k
    - I made a cool magic deck which I thought was good until Roy happened
- Josh:
    - I had another meeting and things are moving forward well, currently waiting to hear back from the uni about if we can do it on campus
- Kyle:
    - went 2 & 2 at charity warhammer
    - had a fever dream on monday that we made a warhammer event in the ref, it was cool
    - did quiz stuff

## Past action Items:

> Run another casual commander day - has been set up for sunday!

> Order a light repair - forgot

> Booook buy (along with Emerald) - done

> Make GM Workshop happen - done

> Complete a roleplay EMP this weeeeek - started!

> Keep pulling together quiz night (along with Kyle) - done

> Booook buy (along with Alistair) - done

> Do a round table checkin with the GMs to see if they're ok - she's hastily doing it right now

> Keep pulling together quiz night (along with Emerald) - ongoing

> Keep organising UWASCA collab (along with Gwen) - ongoing

> Keep organising UWASCA collab (along with Josh) - ongoing

> Organise next week board games - done

## Gatekeepers

- Damien is now a gatekeeper

>Alistair: Contact gatekeeper applicants

>Alistair: Communicate via email

## Usual Suspects

#### Board Games

- Mid semester board games [tomorrow]
    - It's happening!! Yayyy!!

- Events has informed us that they will from now on be strict with the 2-weeks required notice on minor EMPs. this means we will need to get on top of stuff WELL in advance

>Ash: File an EMP for next board games night

#### RPGs

- GM Workshop
    - It happened!!
    - Old committee ryan was here to help run it and he was super chill
    - Thank you SO much ryan you are very welcome to come back play games (you are not welcome to do food runs)
    - Emerald shares feedback from two of her freshers - generally positive, could have done with some more support and time per person
    - Alice had one player who didn't know how to play d&d, which was a big spanner

- Our next RPG night
    - We cannot make something happen in a week's time because EMP
    - Concept of a "it's a mystery" RPG night
    - 3 weeks from now is roleplay, so we maybe need to not run a game that night

- Primarchs
    - Cam, jack and winslade are trying to set up a longform primarchs thing
    - Alistair was impressed by the pitch - effectively keeping office hours, weekly with different locations. Your location in the game corresponds to the weekday on which you show up
    - Much shitposting about primarchs camp

#### Magic: The Gavining

- There is a commander event on sunday, which is fathers day. We play regardless

- Alistair filed the EMP for the prerelease event today, putting up events and posters
    - ALISTAIR needs to go figure out the nature of the venue he booked
    - MootCourtStruggleTweets

- ATTEND the prerelease, good for new players!!!

#### Wargames

- kyle put gaslands up for the book buy
- unigames baseball shirts should be done at the end of this month
- does kyle want to make his dream a reality and run a warhammer tournament in the ref??
    - apparently alice has had multiple ref event dreams. ACTION ITEME EVERYONE stop dreaming about the ref

#### Fresher Campaigns

- They're existing
- We have three right now - Valerie, Vikrum, and now Keifer's
- Alice has received feedback on the first two and will follow it up
- Keifer's is kicking off hopefully, alice follow up

>Alice: Follow up on Keifer and Valerie's fresher games

>Alice: Do an across-the-board checkin with the sem 1 GMs

## Events:

#### Halloween 2019:

- five sobbing emojis
- taylor: at this point we need to organise a proper sit down meeting and figure out exactly what needs to be done
- WHAT exactly do we need from jarcus??
- taylor: "i don't want to continue with the mindset that it's a meme that it will never be solved"

>Jackie: Organise a geniune proper with representatives from all clubs

#### UWASCA Collab [Sat 19/9]

- everything's going well
- we're getting a document written up that people can follow to make their own dice bags
- if the EMP is not completed by COB tomorrow then this cannot happen

>Josh, Gwen: Make a dice bag EMP happen ASAP

#### Roleplay 4 Life [Sat 26/9 - Sun 27-9]:

- Taylor and emerald started doing the EMP
- Taylor realises we haven't settled on a structure
- Emerald's current availability, according to her work, is "uh pretty much!"
- In terms of a venue, what options do we have for accomodating nonstudents?
    - Most places are too far away or too hard to get on a weekend
    - The CCZ is too strict
    - We need to stay centralised in Cam Hall for stream and snacks purposes
    - Could we ask the guild nicely about having nonstudents if we make this a properly ticketed event?

>Emerald: Email Leigh and Jacob about ticketing Roleplay 4 Life to nonstudents

>Autumn: Ask venues about an all-weekend classroom booking

#### Relay [Saturday 10/10]:

- Alice now has a relay shirt
- The organisers have put out a call for a committee photo - let's do that now
- We have not received an offers or requests regarding sponsorship
- Autumn has read through the feedback that elana compiled last year - we have some concerns about the layout of the course
- Relaymittie does not seem to be taking any Corono precautions

>Autumn: Send a relay sponsorship reminder via discord and email

#### Quiz Night [Thursday 22/10]:

- Darkmittie update
    - Quiz writing is happening
    - "Sometimes I'll walk downstairs in my own home and gozz will ask me if i want to do a math question and i'll say nooo and gozz will make me do the maths questions and i'll get it wrooong"
- Lightmittie update
    - Kyle has wrapped up the covid safe plan, someone else is handling the EMP neatly
    - They've settled on a raised ticket price

#### Joint REDACTED [20/11-23/11]:

- Did not have a meeting yesteday due to NO UPDATES
- therefore
    - no updates
- Windlade has been working away on the budget
- Merlin has poked Leigh

## Room Update:

- Busy bee
    - They've been going well
    - Alistair says, having done them
    - Omar is now bumping them from weekly to fortnightly

- Broken light

>Alistair: Organise a fix for the broken light

## Reimbursements:

- Pending:
    - Autumn: -$34.79
    - Emerald: $0, got reimbursed for $691.39 food run
    - Alistair: $55 for moot court booking
## Guild:

- Tenancy Reallocations
    - They aaare looking at the last of the appeals tomorrow
    - Hopefully we get more information tomorrow

- 2019 Sem 2 Grant
    - Jameson says he's going to do it tomorrow

- Tenancy Consultation
    - There's a meeting with the guild exec tomorrow
    - If we have any questions we should email Amy
    - Locker reallocations are happening next week - we're unclear on if that also applies to our cabinets
    - Busy bee schedule was adjusted
    - Have been reminded about the capacity of rooms and especially the CCZ, and please do not jam doors open
    - CCZ is now open to students instead of just exec
    - Confirmed that the weird item about lawyers on the busy bee checklist was a, quote, "meme"
    - Cameron hall elevator feasibility study is kicking off!! Maybe a little bit behind
    - New rooms on guild lv2 should begin construction in the next few weeks - they still need to be added into the master plan
    - Tagging and testing should be happening Tues Week 9
    - Supposedly the tav side-door has had some therapeutic repair
    - apparently the holes that leisure left in the ceiling are on track to be fixed
    - it is OUR responisbility to prevent our members from propping open the door. furious eyes
    - Also, Omar has asked about people cleaning the common spaces - so that's a change
    - inaccuracies in the master list did not get to be discussed as the meeting ran out of time

>Taylor: Send in an email clarification requesting to list what the errors are on the room master list and verify its accuracy

>Taylor: Start planning out a procedural appeal

- Best Club applications
    - Writing up an application is quite an intensive job
    - Taylor highlights the importance of images (goose larp!!)

>Alistair: Have a go at a best club application

### General Business:

#### Webkeeping

- Prof Comp
    - One of the cits students came in this afternoon asking about tagging and alistair immediately jumped into talking about appliance safety

#### Unigames Dice

- just waiting on kyle (ho hum)

#### First Aid Course

>Alistair: Respond to the post on the presidents group

#### Large Scale Borrowing

- Our post got some engagement! Someone from harry potter came to grab a form!

#### Book Buy

- the post is UP, the date is set for 1/10 or 8/10

**Meeting closed**: 

This Week's Action Items:
> Contact gatekeeper applicants

> Communicate via email

> Organise a fix for the broken light

> Have a go at a best club application

> Respond to the post on the presidents group

> Send in an email clarification requesting to list what the errors are on the room master list and verify its accuracy

> Start planning out a procedural appeal

> Organise a geniune proper with representatives from all clubs

> Ask venues about an all-weekend classroom booking

> Send a relay sponsorship reminder via discord and email

> Email Leigh and Jacob about ticketing Roleplay 4 Life to nonstudents

> Follow up on Keifer and Valerie's fresher games

> Do an across-the-board checkin with the sem 1 GMs

> Make a dice bag EMP happen ASAP (along with Gwen)

> Make a dice bag EMP happen ASAP (along with Josh)

> File an EMP for next board games night