Unigames Committee Meeting - 25/10/2018 Attending: Gavin Aoibhinn Alaura Nadia Donald Alistair Jasmine Lewis Apologies: Absent: Jake Taylor Meeting Open: 6:24PM Agenda: New Regulations: The following block of text is one regulation: "Borrowing Regulations: - Members of Unigames can borrow it's resources for use, either "short-term" or "long-term". - Short-Term Borrowing: - Some resources of the club can be borrowed by members of the club for periods of less than 24 hours and within Cameron Hall. - The borrower’s student card, or another form of valid ID considered equivalent by the gatekeeper, is to be held in the compartment on the side of the notes box, in place of the borrowed resource. - Upon return of the resources that were borrowed, the identification is then returned to its owner. - Attached to the identification should be documentation of which resource(s) that member has borrowed. - A gatekeeper may choose to limit the number of resources taken out by an individual member. - When closing the room, a gatekeeper must check that no items have been short-term borrowed, and must make a reasonable attempt to retrieve any currently short-term borrowed items. - Long-Term Borrowing: - Some resources can be borrowed by members of the club for periods of up to two weeks. - The club member's details, along with the details of the resources borrowed, must be documented in the borrowing book. - The borrowing must be authorised by a gatekeeper. - Resources - Unigames has many different types of resources, each with their own rules and restrictions on how they can be borrowed and for how long. These are listed below. - Board Games: - Board Games can be borrowed either short-term or long-term, and have no other restrictions. - RPG books: - RPG books can be borrowed either short-term or long-term, and have no other restrictions. - Dice: - Dice may only be borrowed short term, and cannot leave Cameron Hall. - In the case that Cameron Hall is both too busy and unsuitable to hold an intended game or event, they may be long-term borrowed provided that they don't leave the UWA campus and for no more than 24 hours. - Battle Mats: - Battle mats may only be borrowed short term, and cannot leave Cameron Hall. - In the case that Cameron Hall is both too busy and unsuitable to hold an intended game or event, they may be long-term borrowed provided that they don't leave the UWA campus and for no more than 24 hours. - When doing this, both short-term and long-term borrowing procedures must be followed. (i.e. Details must be documented in the borrowing book *and* a form of valid ID must be left.) - Each battle mat has a number written on its corners, or has a name associated with it. Whenever a battle mat is borrowed, that number or name must be documented. - Paints: - Paints may only be borrowed short term, and cannot leave Cameron Hall. - Each unit of paint has a number or code written on it. Whenever a unit of paint is borrowed, its number or code must be individually documented. - High Demand Items: - Some library items chosen by the librarian may be marked as "high demand". - Items marked as "high demand" can only be long-term borrowed overnight or from Friday to Monday, in an attempt to increase availability to members. - These items can still be short-term borrowed within Cameron Hall. - Borrowing for events: - When required for an event, Committee members can borrow resources for that event using a seperate procedure. - When doing this, all resources borrowed must be written on the Unigames whiteboard. - At the end of that event, the list of resources on the whiteboard should be used to check that all resources have been returned. The list should then be erased. - Strike System - If the Librarian notices that a resource or resources is overdue, was returned late, or was not returned in a respectable condition, the borrower gets a "strike". - The Librarian will attempt to contact the member in question, explaining the consequences of the "strike", along with the date the resource(s) needs to be returned by. - If the resource(s) has not been returned within two days after this contact, the borrower will receive another strike at each following Committee meeting until the resource(s) is returned. - Upon reaching three "strikes", the member in question will have their long-term borrowing privileges revoked. - All "strikes" will be removed and all borrowing privileges reinstated at Semester 1 O-Day and the start of Semester 2." - These have been made to bring all borrowing regulations together, and codify some existing procedures. - Committee approves these regulations and removed the old regulations that this new one overlaps on. >Donald: Publish these regulations. Ghengis Con: - It's a lot like SwanCon - They do a lot of other things as well - Like letting you make chainmail - Very Perth and WA centric - They have a large games room as well - We bring this up because we found a post-it note from one of their organisers, asking us to advertise it. - No objections to that. - We also should find out if we should do a thing similar to what we do at SwanCon (teach people games) and if we'll get entry. - If they need help, we'll offer it in return for a reduced price. >Gavin: Call the number given to us, ask if they need volunteers and tell them that we can put the poster up. Also ask them if they know UniSFA exists. Meeting Closed: 6:40PM -- Action Items: Gavin: > Call the number given to us, ask if they need volunteers and tell them that we can put the poster up. Also ask them if they know UniSFA exists. Donald: > Publish these regulations.