# Unigames Committee Meeting #2 - 15/03/2019 #### Attending - #### Apologies - #### Absent - **Meeting open**: 10:30AM ## Reports: ### President's Report: - ### Vice-President's Report: - ### Treasurer's Report: - - Account balance: ### Secretary's Report: - ### Librarian's Report: - - Overdue items: none ### Fresher Rep's Report: - ## Past action Items: Alaura: > - Sort out whatever happened to the recepits at the end of her term > - Look into pauper interest by email > - Go through old halloween finances and update > - Make a post about Prosh AGM > - Talk to Aoibhinn about Prosh sign-ups > - Contact other committee once elections have happened to start organising Quiz Night (along with Aoibhinn) > - Do the Camp EMP (along with Aoibhinn, Taylor, Gavin) > - Make a gatekeeper post re. chairs and not mistreating them > - Find out more about Shattered World book Aoibhinn: > - Make a new post asking for GMs and the systems they can run. > - Make a Prosh event > - Contact other committee once elections have happened to start organising Quiz Night (along with Alaura) > - Do the Camp EMP (along with Alaura, Taylor, Gavin) Taylor: > - Speak to people about Edg~~y~~eE dice > - Do the Camp EMP (along with Alaura, Aoibhinn, Gavin) Donald: > - Print more gatekeeper forms > - Make the star wars event > - Make a poster for sealed league ASAP > - Speak to UCC about this Alistair: > - Top up UCC account Elana: > - Make a facebook event for Star Wars skirmish games Brett: > - Make the board games night event for Thursday 14th Jasmine: > - Message club pages and talk to people. > - Organise GMs, talk to UniSFA, and make event for Star Wars week Gavin: > - Do the Camp EMP (along with Alaura, Aoibhinn, Taylor) ## Gatekeepers - ## Agenda ### Usual Suspects: #### Boardgames - #### RPGs - #### Magic - #### Wargames - #### Fresher Campaigns - ### Events: #### Halloween Party: - #### O-Day: - #### Prosh Olympics [March 13th]: - #### Prosh [March 20th]: - #### Envoy Mega-Game [29th March]: - #### Quiz Night: - #### CAMP (Redacted) [21st-24th June]: - ### Room Update: - Door lock - Fridge/freezer chaos - Storage allocations ### Reimbursements: - ### General Business: - Shattered World Book - Loft booking - Year plan - Seperate mailing lists **Meeting closed**: --