OPENING REPORTS PRESIDENT Good work for having committee run smoothly for the first half of semester. Fridge is consistently full, well done Sarah! Looking forward to mid semester break one-shot. VICE PRESIDENT Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Have a tonne of parking fines. Good job JVB. Might got a job. Ha. Ha. Ha. Did EMP for Lizard Camp, but still need to submit. TREASURER I’m sure we’ve got money. The food is happy, money is inconsequential. SECRETARY Jake is terrible. I bought a thumb drive. LIBRARIAN The books are happy. We received Damnation City. Need to buy more. FRESHER REP I don’t know. Bought a hat. AGENDA ITEMS 1. T-Shirts (dice bags) * Gabby had exams, Sarah has lost control of her life. Admitting it is the first step to giving up. Will do in study break. * Jon didn’t choose the edge life, the edge life chose him. 2. Loft * Loft has been kept marginally cleaner. * Will print “please keep clean please” poster at Busy Bee. 3. UCC internet/ webcam * Would probably be easy to get permission and get it done. Would cost ~$40. Roland raises the point that we can use it to check fridge supplies. Jon and Frames are considering writing a pattern recognition program that will text Treasurer when the fridge is empty. Unanimous approval. * Jon will talk to UCC. Budget is ~$40. 4. Swancon * Frames is going. We won’t do anything with it (too soon). 5. Quiz Night * EMP has been submitted and approved. Quiz Night Committee is writing questions and collecting donations. Facebook event has just been made. Will be on the first Friday after study break (2nd May). ACTION ITEMS 1. Jake’s one shots * DnD one shot happening in mid semester break. Will make a Facebook event. 2. Steven’s magic draft * Steven is absent, Steven how could you. 3. Frames’ GM panel * After study break. 4. Steven’s quiz night * Steven is absent, Steven how could you? 5. Rowan’s Website * Hopeful glances, hahaha move on. 6. Frames’ and Gabby’s mailing list + email aliases * We’ll do it in study break (help). 7. Rowan’s board games night * Yep. Happening on Monday after study break. 8. Rowan to bring up whiteboard with tenancy. * Haven’t done. 9. Rowan to something something posters with Guild * Haven’t done. 10. Gabby to buy thumb drive from Co-op * DONE. Suck it Jake, your thumb-drive is inferior. 11. Jake to run Panya through being a Gatekeeper * Done and done. 12. Steven’s SCA relations * Steven is absent, Steven how could you?!?!? Unigames Committee Meeting Minutes March 25, 2014 Start time: 4:15pm End time: 4:52pm