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"A foreign kingdom, has placed contract with the two Assasins Guilds in the city, to kill off the two highest ranking nobels, to stir civil unrest prior to the invasion. They have promised which ever assasin guild pressents both Heirloom Pendants, will be appounted the Royal Assassins, and the other will be wiped out. However the Nobels have found out and are retreating to their Eastes. "


Nobels + Guards

Two Subteams:

Each with 4 Guards and one Nobel.

####Nobel Win Condition:

Each nobel must visit X estate way points. (Simulated by walking back and forth between two markers)


Two Guilds Sniper Guild and Thug Guild.

Win Condition

A guild wins if it holds both Heirlooms.

If both nobles are dead, but each guild has a heirlooms, then the game is a stalemate. and ends.

A guild can not win by killing all the other guild members, as when Recuitment occurs some will respawn (potentially). It can however cripple its opposition.



All snipers are armed with surikens (Bean Bages) (Use Black Bean Bags, and then judge drop the reds if they seem to need more, or to shake up the game.) Only snipers can pick up disguarded surikens.


All thugs are armed with swords (Half pool noodles).

When a Thug Dies

He takes his sword with him to the hiring hall. Leaving it there if he is Hired as a guard. (When he dies he should return here to get back his sword).


Thugs are armed with Shields, and Guard Bags (Blue Bean Bags).

Not all guards have shields, Shields are issued by nobels to guards -- if they run out then they are out.

A hit on a Shield does not count.

Guards can attack by touching someone with there bean bag (not throwing) Guards can not harm other guards (Even of the other subteam).

When a guard dies

He drops his shield. He takes his Guard Bag with him and goes to a Hiring Hall. Leaving the guard bag there.


The two Nobels are unarmed. A nobel can pick up Guard Bags and more importantly Sheilds, and issue them to there guards.

Nobels have Two Hitpoints. Every time they visit a Estate Waypoint they heal to full two hit points. (De they need to indicate when wounded?)

When Nobel Die:

Drop all shields (The other nobel may choose to go to collect these). Proceed to a Hiring hall. The nobel and any guards originally belonging to him are now considered to have base team/class of "Guard for other nobel" So if Recuitment is triggered on them they go to guard the other nobel.


Damage and Wounds

All weapons deal one damage. All players, except nobels have 1HP. Thus a single hit from any weapon will kill a Guard or Thug, or Sniper.


When anyone dies they go to a hiring hall. There are numbered 1,2 and 3. They may choose which to go to at there whim. There are several ways they can leave.


Any time a nobel visits are hiring hall, they may hire all the people there as guards. Initially there will be a pile of Guard Bags at each hireing hall. If they run out then a the hired person should hold one hand in there air (which indicated they are invisible) and collect one.


A judge will roll a d6 every minute. one a 1, 2, or 3: He will call out "Recuitment Hall 1" etc. On any other result he will do nothing. All people at that hall will return to there base position/class.