Frames had an Idea, and that idea was "Dice are realy expensive, lets order them from the manufacturer." Plan was that we would take order from club members at chessex normal cost (which was still about half the cost of the same dice in Perth), order them all together plus what the club needed, then the club would pay the cost of postage. So there would be some financial lost to the club, but we would provide a valuable service to our members. However, while the orders were being collected, Frames (who is writing this note), carried out skillful negotiations with chessex, such that they would actually only charge us 50% of the advertised price (So long as the order was >$500). There is a large saving to be had when ordering from the US companies that are both retailers and whole salers. Retail Prices in the US include a Sales Tax. if it is not going to be sold in the US though, that does not have to be paid. Unigames ended up ordering about $1000 of dice for members, and about $200 for the club. Roughly Several hundred dollars profit was made Full and precise breakdown can be found in Orders.xlsx